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Farrah Abraham’s DUI Defense Attorney Keeps Her Out of the Pokey

Farrah Abraham’s DUI Defense Attorney Keeps Her Out of the Pokey

Remember “Teen Mom” reality star, Farrah Abraham denying she was DUI (driving under the influence) back in March when she was out partying with her sisters for St. Patty’s Day.  And just days after the DUI arrest, Farrah released statements in her defense that she was sick and not drunk, “Because I’m sick, I could not give an accurate breathalyzer test.”

Apparently, Farrah’s DUI defense attorney did not want to use “Because I’m sick..” as the primary defense theory of the case.  Instead, her criminal lawyer is having her plead guilty to the DUI charge on June 20th.

If the judge agrees with the recommendations made by her defense attorney and the prosecutors, Farrah will avoid jail time completely.  Farrah will be placed on probation, have her driving privileges revoked, and pay $5oo.00 in fines.  Another benefit with pleading guilty to the DUI charge, Farrah’s additional criminal charge of disorderly conduct will be dismissed.

For more info. on Ms. Abraham’s DUI arrest, go to my previous blog Farrah Abraham “Teen Mom” Reality Star, Charged with DUI for Being Sick?  


Written by S.O


Sportscaster, Al Michaels, Charged With DUI

Sportscaster, Al Michaels, Charged With DUI

Legendary sports broadcaster, Al Michaels, has been charged with misdemeanor DUI stemming from his DUI arrest in California on April 19th.

Santa Monica officers reported Michaels made a U-turn in front of their DUI sobriety check point around 10PM.  Hmmm, seems like someone knew they had a little too much to drink!  Officers pulled Michaels over and immediately detected an odor of alcohol on his breath.  They continued their DUI investigation and had him perform the DUI field sobriety tests, of which he failed.  Al Michaels was arrested for DUI and taken to jail.

Good news for the voice of “Sunday Night Football”, his DUI breathalyzer test reveled a .08 and .09 blood alcohol level, right at the legal limit.  Additionally, Michaels doesn’t have any criminal history, thus, if Michaels hires a good DUI criminal defense attorney he has good fighting chances of avoiding jail time and getting his DUI charge reduced to a lesser charge.


Written by S.O