MTV’s “Teen Mom” reality star, Farrah Abraham, age 21, was arrested and charged with DUI (driving under the influence) last Monday at 1 in the morning.  When police asked Farrah to perform the DUI breathalyzer test, she failed repeatedly until one test finally read .147, almost twice the legal DUI limit in Nebraska.  Days later, Farrah spoke out to InTouch defending herself, ““Because I’m sick, I could not give an accurate breathalyzer test, due to coughing and shortage of breath.”

Farrah, mother of 4-year-old Sophia, who had been celebrating St. Patty’s Day with her sisters by sipping on some good ol drinks, wanted to go home around 12:30 AM.  Her sisters didn’t want to leave, so Farrah decided to go get the car from the parking lot and pick them up at the front door.  According to officials, Farrah made an uncontrolled wide turn and almost rear ended a police cruiser.  Police pulled Farrah over and asked her to take the DUI breath test and to perform the DUI field sobriety tests, both of which Farrah failed.

Farrah is adamant that she was not DUI that evening.  She continues to believe in magical shamrocks and leprechauns and that she failed the DUI breath test due to illness and flu-like symptoms.

Farrah’s “Because I”m sick..,” defense is not reasonable.  Medication could have a slight effect on the DUI breathalyzer’s reading but nothing to the extent of a high reading such as .147.  Farrah was most likely DUI, end of story!


Written By S.O