Follow up report.  Bobby Brown is going to spend some time in the slammer for his latest charge of DUI that occurred in October 2012 (check out my blog “Snaps!  Bobby Brown’s 2nd DUI This Year” for the DUI arrest details).

Earlier today, retired singing sensation Bobby Brown, pled no contest to the DUI and driving on a license suspended charges.  The judge sentenced him to 55 days in jail, 4 years of probation, and completion of an 18 month DUI and alcohol treatment program.   Brown was also ordered to attend 3 Alcoholics Anonymous meeting per week until he starts his jail time, which must begin by March 20th.

This is Bobby Brown’s third DUI in his lifetime.  The first DUI occurred in 1996, followed by his second and third DUI in 2012.

Here in Washington State, if a person is guilty of a second DUI within seven years, they would be facing a jail sentence ranging from a minimum of 30 days to a maximum of 364 days behind bars.   They would also need to invest in a good pair of sneakers or a bus pass because they would lose their driver’s license for a minimum of 2 years and up to a max of 2 1/2 years.  Lets not forget fines ranging from $1196.00 to $5000.00 and electric home monitoring post jail time for at least 60 days.


Written by S.O