Let’s Talk – DUI Penalties

Washington State is one of the toughest states in the nation when it comes to punishing those found guilty of DUI, Driving Under the Influence.  Even first time DUI offenders with no criminal history often suffer consequences such as suspended driver’s license, fines, and jail time.  And with each additional DUI charge, the consequences quickly become steeper and harsher.

So let’s talk about DUI penalties.

DUI also called DWI, Driving While under the Influence, is a crime handled at the state level. DUI penalties are mandated by the court and are determined by; the amount of alcohol consumed (breath test level), refusal of the breath test, prior DUI history, whether there was property damage while under the influence, or injuries to persons as a result of the DUI, and other criminal history.

In Washington, the maximum penalties for a DUI are 364 days of jail, $5000 fine and loss of license.  The minimum penalties for a first offense DUI if a person blew under .15 are one day of jail, $350 fine, and loss of license for 90 days.  The minimum penalties for a first offense DUI if a person blew over .15 are two days of jail, $500 fine, and a loss of license for one year.  The minimum penalties for a first offense DUI if a person refused to submit to a breath test at the station are two days of jail, $500 fine, and a loss of license for two years.

The minimum penalties for a second offense DUI within seven years, if a person blew under .15 are 30 days of jail, 60 days of electronic home monitoring, $500 fine, and a loss of license for two years.  The minimum penalties for a second offense DUI within seven years, if a person blew over .15 are 45 days of jail, 90 days of electronic home monitoring, $750 fine, and a loss of license for 900 days.  The minimum penalties for a second offense DUI if a person refused to submit to a breath test at the station are 45 days of jail, 90 days of electronic home monitoring, $750 fine, and a loss of license for 3 years.

The minimum penalties for a third offense DUI within seven years, if a person blew under .15 are 90 days of jail, if available in the county or city, a 6 month 24/7 sobriety monitoring program (ex: scram device), 120 days of electronic home monitoring, $1000 fine, and a loss of license for 3 years.  The minimum penalties for a third offense DUI within seven years, if a person blew over .15 are 120 days of jail, if available in the county or city, a 6 month 24/7 sobriety monitoring program, 150 days of electronic home monitoring, $1500 fine, and a loss of license for 4 years.  The minimum penalties for a third offense DUI within seven years, if a person refused to submit to the breath test at the station are 120 days of jail, if available in the county or city, a 6 month 24/7 sobriety monitoring program, 150 days of electronic home monitoring, $1500 fine, and a loss of license for 4 years.

DUI penalties can have a negative impact on someone’s life and this is one of the reasons it is important to contact a DUI defense attorney when charged with a DUI.  An experienced defense attorney will work hard to minimize DUI penalties, or possibly eliminate the DUI penalties all together by getting the DUI charge reduced to a lesser charge or by dismissal.

The attorneys at David O Defense are experienced and have a proven track record of serving our clients.  Give us a call today if you have been charged with DUI, we offer free legal consultations, 206-459-6392.