1. The law firm of David O Defense is exclusively dedicated to DUI and criminal defense.
By focusing on only DUI and criminal defense, the lawyers of David O Defense are able to continue to strengthen their knowledge on DUI and criminal defense law, they are aware of any new DUI or criminal law changes, and they personally get to know the prosecutors and judges that handle these types of cases, all of which contributes to better case resolutions.
2. The law firm of David O Defense is comprised of 3 powerhouse DUI and criminal defense attorneys.
1) David O, senior attorney and owner of David O Defense, 2) Christopher Choe, associate DUI and criminal defense attorney, and 3) Anastasia Kidniz, associate DUI and criminal defense attorney. (Click on the attorneys names to learn more)
3. David O has been practicing DUI and criminal defense for over 12 years.
Attorney David O has dedicated his law firm and legal career to DUI and criminal defense because he loves helping people through tough times. He wants to get the right result for each client no matter how long it takes. He and his associate attorneys understand that providing excellent service requires; hard work, an attention to detail, and preparation.
4. Communication is a priority.
The lawyers of David O Defense make themselves readily available to their clients and are easily contacted by phone, text, and/or email. They can be contacted day, night, and weekends. If a client leaves a message they can expect their attorney will reply promptly.
5. The law firm of David O Defense is willing to take a case to trial if necessary.
Some attorneys avoid going to trial at all costs because it means more work, time, and energy. But the attorneys at David O Defense have no fear in taking a case to trial if it’s in the client’s best interests. The DUI and criminal defense attorneys at David O Defense work hard and fight hard for each and every client!
6. Legal fees are reasonable flat fees, no hidden costs ever.
Here at David O Defense we are upfront about the cost of representation. During a free legal consultation a client will be quoted a flat legal fee before any work begins. No hidden costs or unexpected charges will ever be added to a client’s legal fee.
7. You won’t regret hiring David O Defense to represent your case.
The attorneys at David O Defense are not only knowledgeable about DUI and criminal defense but they are also caring and compassionate. They work extremely hard to achieve the best case resolution possible for each and every client. Take a moment and read a few of our Client Reviews to see what past clients have said about David O Defense.
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