Vanessa Stiviano is dealing with a lot right now, including a court appearance today to prove she completed her community service for her 2012 DUI charge.
You may recognize the name Vanessa Stiviano or V. Stiviano if you watch Sports Center or read gossip magazines. Stiviano is 31 years-old and her face is currently plastered everywhere for being the mistress to 80 year-old Donald Sterling, owner of the L.A. Clippers. The same guy that shocked the world by making racist remarks to Stiviano for associating with black people. Allegedly, Sterling told Stiviano she can do whatever she wants in private, including having sex with black men, but should not post photos of them on the internet or bring them to Clipper’s games. Vanessa Stiviano is a mix of black and latina, but Sterling said he could overlook her ethnicity because she appears more like a “delicate white or delicate Latina girl.”
V. Stiviano’s DUI arrest occurred last year on September 22, in Los Angeles while she was driving a red Ferrari that Sterling gifted her. The same red Ferrari that is now involved in the lawsuit that wife Shelly Sterling has filed against her unfaithful husband, claiming she is owed half the value of all gifts given to V. Stiviano, which include the Ferrari, a Range Rover, two Bentleys, and the return of a 1.8 million dollar duplex.
Today in court, Vanessa Stiviano reportedly proved she completed the 130 hours of community service, paid her fines, and completed all programs that were court ordered during the resolution of her DUI.
Written by Sarah Ann
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