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It Runs in the Family, Lindsay Lohan’s Mother Charged with DUI

It Runs in the Family, Lindsay Lohan’s Mother Charged with DUI

Mother Dina Lohan like daughter Lindsay Lohan or is it daughter Lohan like mother Lohan?  Who knows, but one thing is for sure; alcohol and a Lohan do not mix well … a bad recipe resulting in DUI (driving under the influence).

Thursday night, 50-year-old Dina Lohan was charged with DUI in Long Island, New York after being pulled over for speeding 77 mph in a 55 mph zone.  Allegedly during the stop, police observed visible signs of intoxication and asked Dina to take the DUI breath test to determine her BAC (blood alcohol content).  Dina should have refused this DUI test on the basis it is a voluntary test, however, she screwed up, took the test, and blew a .20 BAC result, twice the legal DUI limit of .08.

Li Lo’s mom was taken to jail where she was charged with speeding and DUI.  She was later bailed out of jail, but it wasn’t Lindsay to the rescue, an unknown source came to the aid of mama Lohan.

Rumor has it Dina has been drinking heavy and partying too much.  Still being a poor role model for daughter Lindsay, who also struggles with alcoholism and has a criminal history of DUI charges.

Dina has court next month and hopefully she will be able to find a good DUI lawyer, Lindsay won’t be able to refer her past criminal defense attorney since she fired her attorney while still owing $300,000.00 in legal fees, see my blog “Defense Attorney Saves Lindsay Lohan Despite Being Fired” for more details on Li Lo’s legal mishaps.


Written by S.O

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Robbie Knievel DUI in a MOTOR HOME?

Robbie Knievel DUI in a MOTOR HOME?

This story takes the cake, it’s so unbelievable, yet somehow so believable.  Robbie Knievel, son of the famous daredevil Evil Knievel was arrested a few days ago for DUI.  Here’s the catch, Robbie was driving a motor home while under the influence and crashed it into multiple mobile homes and then fled the scene without stopping once.  The city of Sturgis police later found Robbie in a parking lot near the scene of the crime still inside his RV texting on his phone.  So crazy, did Robbie not realize he ran a large vehicle into large objects “houses” and think he could drive off without anyone knowing?

According to South Dakota police reports, Robbie may not have known what he was doing since he was obliterated while driving the motor home, he blew a 0.228 (three times the DUI legal limit) shortly after failing the DUI field sobriety tests.  Robbie, also a daredevil like his father, was arrested and charged with DUI.  I wouldn’t be surprised if he was charged with hit and run and reckless driving on top of the DUI charges.

South Dakota has already suspended his driver’s license and fined him $600.00.

Talk about a stunt that should never be repeated, Robbie is lucky he didn’t hurt anyone.


Written by S.O

All Jokes Aside, Comedian Kevin Hart Tells the Truth About His DUI

All Jokes Aside, Comedian Kevin Hart Tells the Truth About His DUI

Stand up comedian, Kevin Hart, made no jokes about his DUI and resisting arrest charges back in April, in fact he told the truth during the arrest, admitting he was drunk driving!

Allegedly, Kevin was pulled over by police for racing along LA highways at speeds of 90 mph and almost colliding into a gas tanker.  He was pulled over and arrested for DUI after failing the DUI field sobriety tests, blowing a .15 breath test result (almost twice the legal DUI limit) and outright telling officers he was drunk!….Silly man, he shouldn’t have convicted himself like that, but I guess there is always something to be said about telling the truth.

In an interview, Kevin said he was charged with resisting arrest because he requested to remove his expensive gold watch from his wrist before officers handcuffed him.  Officers felt Kevin wasn’t being compliant and charged him with resisting arrest… wonder cops are called bad names, if they were in the same situation I’m sure they wouldn’t want their $$ blingin watch scratched either.

Yesterday, funny man Kevin took responsibility for his first DUI charge and pled no contest.  He was sentenced to 3 months of DUI alcohol education classes and 3 years of probation.


Written by S.O