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Increased DUI and BUI Patrols for the 4th of July Weekend

Increased DUI and BUI Patrols for the 4th of July Weekend

The 4th of July is just days away and since it falls on a Monday this year, many will have a three-day weekend, hurray!  Talk about a fun holiday; backyard BBQ’s, parades, community gatherings, and of course fireworks.  It’s a great way to remember that back on July 4th, 1776 the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence and declared the United States a new and free nation.

Independence Day typography card. Vector illustration

However, with all this 4th of July summer fun, comes increased drinking and driving, so expect to see a greater presence of law enforcement officers watching the roadways and waterways for DUI’s and BUI’s (driving under the influence and boating under the influence), in efforts to keep all people safe.

Starting today, June 30th, city police and county sheriffs will increase their DUI patrol units.  The increase in law enforcement will continue through the holiday weekend and will start to taper off mid day Tuesday, July 5th.

And for those celebrating the 4th out on a boat in the Seattle waterways, be aware that the coast guard and Seattle police will be out in full force patrolling for possible BUI’s.  Remember that it is illegal to drink alcohol while operating a boat.

Here’s what you can do to prevent DUI’s and BUI’s this Independence Day weekend;
  • The simplest solution to avoid a DUI and BUI is to not drink any type of alcohol or partake in any type of drug use.
  • Designate a sober driver; someone who does not consume any alcohol or drugs through out the entire day.
  • If you are a designated driver or a sober driver, be a good defensive driver and be aware there could be an intoxicated driver on the road.
  • If you do decide to drink, don’t drive and take advantage of all the great public transportation options; taxi, buses, Uber, Rideshare, etc.
  • If you see a friend or family member under the influence that wants to drive, try to get their car keys and suggest an alternative way for them to get home safely.  See our blog, “How You can Prevent a DUI – Tips on getting the Car Keys” for helpful hits.


Happy 4th of July from David O Defense!  Stay safe this Independence Day and make smart decisions.


Washington State Patrol Increasing DUI Patrol During 4th of July Weekend

Washington State Patrol Increasing DUI Patrol During 4th of July Weekend

Over the long weekend of the 4th of July, Washington State Patrol will be revving up their DUI (driving under the influence) patrols in order to reduce accidents and fatalities.  According to the WSP, “Summer represents one of the highest travel periods and the start of the ‘100 deadliest days on the roads.  Half of all traffic deaths in Washington involve an impaired driver.”  “Impaired drivers” includes drunk driving and driving under the influence of drugs.

County deputies, local city police, and coast guard will also be on increased DUI patrol over the 4th.

The criminal defense attorneys of David O Defense wish everyone a happy and safe 4th of July!  If arrested for DUI over the weekend, don’t hesitate, give David O Defense a call for a free consultation with a top rated Seattle defense lawyer.