Dealing with a criminal charge can be extremely stressful. Much of the stress comes from the unfamiliarity of the legal system and the possibility of facing serious consequences such as jail time. When a person uses healthy techniques to deal with this stress, they think clearer and have better control over their emotions which makes the process of going through a legal situation easier.
When stress is mismanaged it can effect a person emotionally and sometimes physically. Generally this leads to poor decision making, decreased productivity, and lack of joy in life. Poor management of stress can even make a legal situation even worse; such as acquiring an additional criminal charge.
Some unhealthy ways of coping with stress include;
- Drinking too much Alcohol
- Smoking
- Using Drugs or Pills to Relax
- Over Eating
- Avoiding Friends or Family
- Withdrawing from Activities
- Sleeping all Day
- Taking your Stress out on Others
Learning to deal with stress in a healthy manner can make a person feel more in control of their life. They have more control over their thoughts, emotions, and lifestyle.
Some healthy ways to deal with stress include;
- Exercise, Yoga, Stretching, Dancing, Team Activities
- Connecting with People, Talking to a Trusted Individual
- Taking Good Care of Yourself, Eating Healthy, Adequate Sleep
- Simply Give Your Mind a Break from the Stressor
- Manage Your Time Well, Don’t Over Commit
- Take Time to Relax
- Engage in Activities You Enjoy such as; listening to music, reading, writing, walking, going out for dinner etc.
- Avoid Excessive Caffeine, Sugar, Alcohol and Drugs
The legal process can be extremely stressful, however when the stress is managed, dealing with a criminal charge will be easier. When stress is handled in a healthy manner individuals are more resilient and can stand up to tough challenges. They are able to think clearer, make better decisions, and move forward with their lives.
Remember that people are all individuals and stress management is not a one-size-fits-all. That’s why it’s important for an individual to experiment with healthy stress management techniques and find out what works best for them!
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