Judge Engel was obviously fed up with Dina Lohan when he lashed out during her DUI sentencing saying, “The only person responsible for this ordeal is Miss Lohan. She is just lucky nobody was killed. She may not be as lucky next time.” And the only response to Judge Engels lecture was from Dina Lohan who replied, “There will not be a next time.”
Dina Lohan is well-known for being the troubled mother of her troubled daughter, actress Lindsay Lohan. Both Dina and Lindsay have had multiple run ins with the law, including DUI charges, and seem to spend a majority of their time in court rooms with their criminal defense attorneys. Dina Lohan racked up her most recent DUI charge last September, when she was allegedly speeding 77 mph on a 50 mph road in Long Island, New York. Reportedly her breath test result registered at .20, over twice the legal DUI limit of .08. Just last month, on April 15th, Dina was accompanied by her defense lawyer and pled guilty to the DUI and speeding charges.
Earlier today, Dina Lohan was sentenced by Judge Engel for the DUI and speeding charge. He ordered Lohan to 100 hours of community service and revoked her driver’s license for one year. Judge Engel also ordered Lohan to have an ignition interlock device installed on her car for an additional full year once she becomes eligible to reinstate her drivers’ license. According to courtroom sources, Dina will also have to attend a victims panel, complete a mandatory drinking and driving program, and finish paying court fines and fees.
Hopefully Dina Lohan will be responsible for her ordeal, and in her words, “There will not be a next time.”
Written by Sarah Ann
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